Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Teen Relationship Advice From Seniors

Being a parent is no easy job. You may feel this at times when your child is still in diapers, but just wait until he/she hits puberty. This is when the real mess begins. In all honesty, I don't think there's anything that can truly prepare you for the teen years. For one reason, every kid is different to some extent. Furthermore it's hard to understand it until you see it first-hand. You'll suddenly be dealing with hormones gone wild, crazy emotions, and a desire for the teen to separate him/herself from you. It can really try your patience at times. Then there's the opposite sex. Your teenager is going to dwell on them redundantly. Let's just hope you have some decent teen relationship advice to offer.

I hate dealing with teens and their relationships. It's as simple as that. Probably one of the main reasons is because they think their relationships are so serious and powerful when they're really just minor crushes or flirting games. Little do they know that the person they're dating in high school would probably be someone they'd steer clear of at the age of 25. This is why teen relationship advice is so imperative. It's our job as parents to help steer our kids in the right direction. The last thing we want to become an issue is teen pregnancy. This can seriously ruin lives and future goals. Now comes the grand dilemma with teen relationship advice. No teen on this planet really wants to listen to some diatribe about relationships from their parents. Hey, don't fret just yet. These days things have been simplified a bit. The Internet can help any and all teenagers with teen relationship advice. Chat with someone who knows what you're going through, but won't judge you. After all, this is what everyone yearns for in the first place. Not to be judged.

There are chat groups and support forums on the web at all times regarding teen relationship advice. If you're having difficulties conversing with your teenager, direct them to their personal computer for a few tips concerning teen relationships and advice for dating. It's prudent to get some kind of adult guidance at this stage in your life so that terrible mistakes can be avoided.

Sources Of Relationship Problem Advice

Finding good relationship problems advice can be very difficult. It is not that there isn't enough information. Almost everyone and their mother have relationship advice. If you tell someone, even a stranger on the street, that you are having trouble with a relationship, they will probably have something to say. Nevertheless, most advice for relationship problems is based on biases alone. Anyone you ask will most likely try to apply the lessons from their own relationship problems to yours. These lessons may be appropriate, but then again they may not be. Whether you are worried about breaking up relationship ties, or dealing with relationship problems for an ongoing relationship, it is always a headache if you can't figure out what to do.

There is no point in getting relationship problem advice from a physician either. Even psychiatrists give lousy love advice most of the time. They say that they are qualified to give relationship problems advice, but in my experience they are often not good at this particular area. Don't get me wrong – if your relationship is massively flawed and there is something psychotic about your partner, a psychiatrist will give you the right relationship problems advice – get out of it! Nevertheless, psychiatrists make terrible romantic partners. As such, how can you consider them fit to give relationship problems advice?

It has always seemed to me that the only way to get dependable relationship problems advice is to find a best friend who knows all about those things. Find someone with words of wisdom for dating help, go out for a few drinks with him whenever you are having relationship troubles, and trust his word implicitly. Friends like this are hard to find, and their skills at giving relationship problems advice should be fully exploited.

I get most of my relationship problem advice from my best friend. It is pretty odd because he has never been in a relationship himself. He's actually not really been interested in dating at all, spending most of his time in more intellectual pursuits. Nevertheless, he gives the best relationship problems advice that you have ever heard. Maybe it is because he is looking at it from an outsiders perspective, but I swear that his advice is better than any advice column you could ever read! Getting romance advice from someone who has never been in, nor even desired, a romance is a little bit weird, but it has begun to feel totally natural to me.