Thursday, May 8, 2008

Relationship Problems Advice

Finding good relationship problems advice can be very difficult. It is not that there isn't enough information. Almost everyone and their mother have relationship advice. If you tell someone, even a stranger on the street, that you are having trouble with a relationship, they will probably have something to say. Nevertheless, most advice for relationship problems is based on biases alone. Anyone you ask will most likely try to apply the lessons from their own relationship problems to yours. These lessons may be appropriate, but then again they may not be. Whether you are worried about breaking up relationship ties, or dealing with relationship problems for an ongoing relationship, it is always a headache if you can't figure out what to do.

There is no point in getting relationship problem advice from a physician either. Even psychiatrists give lousy love advice most of the time. They say that they are qualified to give relationship problems advice, but in my experience they are often not good at this particular area. Don't get me wrong – if your relationship is massively flawed and there is something psychotic about your partner, a psychiatrist will give you the right relationship problems advice – get out of it! Nevertheless, psychiatrists make terrible romantic partners. As such, how can you consider them fit to give relationship problems advice?

It has always seemed to me that the only way to get dependable relationship problems advice is to find a best friend who knows all about those things. Find someone with words of wisdom for dating help, go out for a few drinks with him whenever you are having relationship troubles, and trust his word implicitly. Friends like this are hard to find, and their skills at giving relationship problems advice should be fully exploited.

I get most of my relationship problem advice from my best friend. It is pretty odd because he has never been in a relationship himself. He's actually not really been interested in dating at all, spending most of his time in more intellectual pursuits. Nevertheless, he gives the best relationship problems advice that you have ever heard. Maybe it is because he is looking at it from an outsiders perspective, but I swear that his advice is better than any advice column you could ever read! Getting romance advice from someone who has never been in, nor even desired, a romance is a little bit weird, but it has begun to feel totally natural to me.

Relationship Advice

I have been a social worker for twenty five years. During that time I have worked with hundreds of people. My jobs have varied over the years, but primarily I have worked with children and their families. About a year ago I began considering a career change. I felt that I was not as effective with people any more and I was getting tired of budget issues and the ever changing laws that effect human services. I saw an ad on the internet about giving relationship advice. I thought this was intriguing so I responded to the ad.

I needed to supply my resume on line. I was contacted by a person that worked for the company. She told me that the relationship advice was similar to call in radio shows; however the people I would be dealing with would be through interactions on the internet. She explained that many people do not want to seek relationship advice on the air waves for fear that someone will recognize their voice or their story. By seeking relationship advice on the internet they could remain anonymous. She said that my interview would be fielding two calls that wanted relationship advice. One of the calls would be on the telephone and other would be a live chat room interaction on the internet.

I did the two calls with a third person listening in to evaluate my ability to interact with the people calling in as well the quality of the advice I was able to give. The person rating me liked my phone interactions and typed responses and hired me. We made arrangements that I would start part time so that I could keep me other job in case this did not work out.

I could not believe the number of people that turn to strangers for relationship advice. I have found it most helpful to talk to people that not only know me well, but also know my husband. The people that are looking for tips and advice on the internet are usually very rushed. They want a quick answer to their relationship issue. They want a solution that will be easily implemented and long lasting. I try to explain that relationship advice over the phone or internet is very general and is not therapy. I was concerned at first that people would not get the level of service that they may need, however if I did interact with someone that I felt had needs that went beyond relationship advice I would give them referral information to a mental health center. I found that I enjoyed giving out relationship advice and could not believe the situations I was asked to counsel people on. This has turned into an enjoyable full time job that is much less stressful and quite rewarding.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Divorce Papers

Divorce Papers

When you go through the worst in a marriage, sometimes there is nothing you can do but cut your loses and move on. I have a friend who went through what can only be described as a nightmare. She was not abused, but that is one of the few positive things she can say about her marriage. She would not go back and do it differently because if she did she would not have her daughter. However, she has lived through the worst she could imagine, and now she is living her life without the loser she married. The one thing that is missing is the divorce papers.

It would be much simpler if she were not now a single mom of two. The man she wants to divorce has little to no money. Though he finally agrees to the divorce after a few years of trying to talk her out of it, he can’t seem to come up with his half of the money to finalize the end of their relationship. Divorce papers don’t seem to be something he cares about getting, and he is taking his time. She can’t afford to pay for the divorce on her own, so she is going to have to wait for her divorce papers for a little while longer.

I swear it’s like a game to him. He knows she needs the divorce papers to move on with her life, but he seems to stall at every turn. He is buying things like guitars and amplifiers, but he has yet to put a dime towards the divorce. It’s not even like it is a complicated divorce. They know how much it will cost, and he knows what he has to pay. It’s not a lot of money, but for some reason he doesn’t want her to have those divorce papers. He’s selfish. He wants her to himself, but he isn’t willing to give her the same thing. He’s playing a game with her and she knows it.

I have half a mind to pay for the divorce myself just so she can get those divorce papers and move on with her life. The guy she is divorcing is someone I have known my entire life and he has disappointed me more than I ever thought possible. Through everything that happened, he refused to take responsibility for what he was doing, and found away to make it the fault of everyone else, including me. I can’t stand the sight of him, and one of my fondest wishes is to see her standing with the divorce papers in her hand so that she can finally be free of him. It would be worth the price for sure.

Divorce Support

Divorce Support

The divorce rate in the US is very high, and this means there are a lot of people out there who are going through the pain of separation. Most people don’t know where to turn for help, and they don’t know they can find divorce support from both professionals as well as others who are going through the same thing. I have a friend who is about to divorce, and she has already joined an online site to help her through this trying time.

The site she found was meant just for divorce support. She has found others who know what she is going through, and they have helped her with legal and emotional advice. Some of these people have become dear friends to her, and she has even found someone she might want to share her future with. Because they are both looking for divorce support right now, they are not rushing into anything. They want to be sure they are free, clear, and definitely not on the rebound when they finally decide they can be together and have a healthy relationship.

You can find divorce support through professionals if you want. You can always find a mental health professional that specializes in marriage counseling as well as divorce support. They may have even helped you through your marriage counseling and they already know what your problems and issues may be. That may save you the visits needed for a professional to get to know you. They have a head start in knowing what you have been through, so they have a head start in helping you get back on your feet emotionally.

If you want to get divorce support online, make sure you don’t reveal too much about yourself on a website or message board. If you are going through a bad divorce, you don’t want your soon to be ex spouse to be able to find you if you are coming out of an abusive marriage. They may look for you on divorce support sites to see if they can find your new location. Also disguise your true name and identity just enough so that your spouse may not know it is you for sure. They may be able to use things you say there against you, though you should talk with the owner of the board or website before you post to find out what the laws are in regards to that.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Potential Customer Relationship Management In Business And Marketing

Customer Relationship Management! When we hear this term it conjures up a lot of ideas about how a business views their relationship with the average everyday modern consumer. Are they looking for loyalty, is it a one night stand or are they in it for the long haul hoping for a lasting relationship for years to come. Customer Relationship Management or (CRM) as it is more commonly known can be renamed to a more appropriate phrase. CRM in its broadest sense to be truly effective really should be called Customer Relations Marketing. Just a slight twist on how this is viewed means that the need to understand the needs, wants and desires of your customers and potential customers is the single most important factor.

One industry in particular today, the automotive industry is most affected by this trend. How a customer is treated when they walk into their dealership can mean the difference in making a sale and getting repeat business and having your name drug through the mud for treating someone as though they were nothing more than another number.

In today's world where the first introduction between a customer and a dealer can be made from a computer monitor and keyboard, a dealer must work twice as hard to win over that customer. The old adage of do unto others is paramount in relating to today's customers. They do not like being considered faceless numbers in a data base somewhere. Establishing a rapport with a new car buyer begins the very first moment the customer enters the front door. What is the motivation that has brought them to your dealership?

For those dealers that have been around for awhile such as Ford NH and Dallas Mazda, they have been through enough automotive sales training programs that try to help set some guidelines for how to establish the rapport or relationship with the shopper that may not make sense for today's new age customers. Knowing the reasons why consumers make the decisions they do helps direct the dealer towards what they need to offer in the way of services.

New dealers such as Audi Stratham and Porsche of Stratham are trying to appeal to their customers by blending a little bit of the traditional with the more modern pizzazz available with many website designs. Today's customers want to be entertained while shopping and the torrent of Flash and Glitz that comes with so many of the new web sites are designed to grab you attention and pull you in.

Recently I overheard one sales person say that after introducing their self, they like to sit with a customer and get some basic information because it helps them to better understand the needs of the customer. It's using principals like this that will allow dealers to continue the approach of hands on, get inside the head of the customer with what are they looking for and find out what more can I offer to cause someone to go from computer screen to a dealers front door.

Better Proficiency In Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management (CRM) includes the proficiencies, technologies, and methodologies that sustain a business in managing fine rapport with its customers.

The basic principle of CRM is to facilitate organizations to manage their customers by the introduction of consistent systems and procedures.

Customer relationship management is a standardized business strategy that spotlights on development and maintenance of eternal relationships with customers.

Customer Relationship Management, in its widest sense, signifies managing all interactions and business with customers, which entails enhancing customer service in an infinite manner.

High quality CRM program facilitates a business to attain customers, cater their requirement, retain good customers, boost the value of business, and determine which customers ought to be preserved or bestowed with a top level of service.

Other Benefits:

A good CRM program boosts customer service by assisting communication in many ways:

• It offers product details, product usage information, and other technical assistance on websites that are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

• It determines how every single customer classifies the product quality, after which, it designs a service plan for every customer based on these individual requisites and anticipations.

• It proffers a rapid mechanism to manage and plan follow-up sales calls to evaluate post purchase perceptive disagreement, repurchasing possibilities and repurchase frequencies.

• A good customer relationship management also offers a mechanism to spot all points in contact between a customer and the business firm. CRM executes it in a combined way to include entire source and all sorts of contact, which facilitate all the users to witness the same view of the customer.

• It assists to recognize any potential difficulties rapidly, prior to their entrance in the business.

• It offers a user friendly mechanism, to register customer complaints that are a prime source of customer disappointment.

• One key function of CRM program is that, it gathers details about potential customers. The program collects these information considering the customer's privacy and data security.

• It also offers a rapid mechanism to operate difficulties and complaints to resolve them swiftly, so as to boost customer satisfaction.

• An excellent CRM program also provides a swift mechanism to correct service insufficiencies, prior to its encounter with the customers.

• It firmly utilizes Internet cookies to spot customer's interests and consequently, customizes product assistance.

• It also uses the Internet to connect, with mutual personalization or synchronized customization.

• It possesses a swift mechanism to operate and plan maintenance, renovations, and current support to boost both effectiveness or efficacy.

• A good CRM program, when incorporated with other cross functional systems blends to offer accounting and production details to customers whenever they desire.


Experience from several businesses proves that an apparent CRM condition in consideration to reports is of great importance, prior to initiating any CRM program execution.

With an accurate demand specification, a business may save huge deal of money and time, based on sensible anticipations of system potential. A good CRM system is a tremendous tool for management and customer strategies.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Teen Relationship Advice From Seniors

Being a parent is no easy job. You may feel this at times when your child is still in diapers, but just wait until he/she hits puberty. This is when the real mess begins. In all honesty, I don't think there's anything that can truly prepare you for the teen years. For one reason, every kid is different to some extent. Furthermore it's hard to understand it until you see it first-hand. You'll suddenly be dealing with hormones gone wild, crazy emotions, and a desire for the teen to separate him/herself from you. It can really try your patience at times. Then there's the opposite sex. Your teenager is going to dwell on them redundantly. Let's just hope you have some decent teen relationship advice to offer.

I hate dealing with teens and their relationships. It's as simple as that. Probably one of the main reasons is because they think their relationships are so serious and powerful when they're really just minor crushes or flirting games. Little do they know that the person they're dating in high school would probably be someone they'd steer clear of at the age of 25. This is why teen relationship advice is so imperative. It's our job as parents to help steer our kids in the right direction. The last thing we want to become an issue is teen pregnancy. This can seriously ruin lives and future goals. Now comes the grand dilemma with teen relationship advice. No teen on this planet really wants to listen to some diatribe about relationships from their parents. Hey, don't fret just yet. These days things have been simplified a bit. The Internet can help any and all teenagers with teen relationship advice. Chat with someone who knows what you're going through, but won't judge you. After all, this is what everyone yearns for in the first place. Not to be judged.

There are chat groups and support forums on the web at all times regarding teen relationship advice. If you're having difficulties conversing with your teenager, direct them to their personal computer for a few tips concerning teen relationships and advice for dating. It's prudent to get some kind of adult guidance at this stage in your life so that terrible mistakes can be avoided.

Sources Of Relationship Problem Advice

Finding good relationship problems advice can be very difficult. It is not that there isn't enough information. Almost everyone and their mother have relationship advice. If you tell someone, even a stranger on the street, that you are having trouble with a relationship, they will probably have something to say. Nevertheless, most advice for relationship problems is based on biases alone. Anyone you ask will most likely try to apply the lessons from their own relationship problems to yours. These lessons may be appropriate, but then again they may not be. Whether you are worried about breaking up relationship ties, or dealing with relationship problems for an ongoing relationship, it is always a headache if you can't figure out what to do.

There is no point in getting relationship problem advice from a physician either. Even psychiatrists give lousy love advice most of the time. They say that they are qualified to give relationship problems advice, but in my experience they are often not good at this particular area. Don't get me wrong – if your relationship is massively flawed and there is something psychotic about your partner, a psychiatrist will give you the right relationship problems advice – get out of it! Nevertheless, psychiatrists make terrible romantic partners. As such, how can you consider them fit to give relationship problems advice?

It has always seemed to me that the only way to get dependable relationship problems advice is to find a best friend who knows all about those things. Find someone with words of wisdom for dating help, go out for a few drinks with him whenever you are having relationship troubles, and trust his word implicitly. Friends like this are hard to find, and their skills at giving relationship problems advice should be fully exploited.

I get most of my relationship problem advice from my best friend. It is pretty odd because he has never been in a relationship himself. He's actually not really been interested in dating at all, spending most of his time in more intellectual pursuits. Nevertheless, he gives the best relationship problems advice that you have ever heard. Maybe it is because he is looking at it from an outsiders perspective, but I swear that his advice is better than any advice column you could ever read! Getting romance advice from someone who has never been in, nor even desired, a romance is a little bit weird, but it has begun to feel totally natural to me.